Top 50+ Best America Puns, Dad Jokes And Wordplays To Make You Laugh Out Loud

In this very funny pun compilation, we have come up with and collected the best america puns, dad jokes and wordplay to make you LOL.

1. Hilarious America Puns That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

1. Why did the American football team go to the bank? To get their quarterback!
2. I asked my American friend if he wanted to go for a run and he said, “Sure, I’m always up for a Washington workout!”
3. What do you call a potato that’s singing the national anthem? A Yankee doodle dandy!
4. Why did the American artist go to jail? Because he was caught red-handed!
5. Why did the American astronaut break up with his girlfriend? He needed some space!
6. Why do Americans love frozen yogurt? Because it’s as sweet as apple pie!
7. What do you call a group of American spies? The United Plates of America!
8. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear…just like George Washington!
9. Why was the American bakery so popular? Because they had star-spangled tarts!
10. How does an American bee brush its hair? With a honeycomb!

2. All-American Dad Jokes: The Best Pun-filled Humor

1. Why do Americans always carry a pencil to bed? In case they need to draw the curtains!
2. What did the American tennis player say to the ball? You’re un-bear-able!
3. How does an American chicken stay fit? It eggs-ercises every day!
4. Why do American vampires always seem so homesick? They have bat-terflies in their stomach!
5. Where do American ghosts go on vacation? Lake Eerie!
6. Why did the American skier bring a ladder to the ski slope? He heard the slopes were a step up!
7. Why did the American restaurant go out of business? They just didn’t have any American
8. What did the American pastry chef say when asked for his secret ingredient? It’s a star-spangled surprise!
9. Why did the American comedian get lost? He took a wrong turn at Alba-turkey!
10. How do Americans like their eggs cooked? With a side of freedom toast!